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Software Use

At the start of the project we were really unsure on what software to use to create the applications we need but as time went on we started to fully understand the pros and cons of the different software packages and that made our choices a lot easier. Of course the biggest constraint being that we have to use open source software gave us a basic starting point to decide which software to use. We weighed the different software solutions against each other by comparing ease of use, our own experience in using the software and of course the software capabilities.

We decided on QGIS because we all have experience in using it and as far as open source GIS applications go it is probably the most versatile. We as a company decided on using Openlayers to create the web application as there is a lot of example code available and the functionality is consistent with what we aim to do with the web application. To easily distribute among the members we used Atom as this is a easy to understand and easy to use program for sharing code. To make sure we have reachable deadlines and that everyone meets the deadlines we used Trello as a management application to assign tasks within the group. Our Website was created with Wix which has great tutorials and step by step information on creating a functional and visually attractive website. To share documents such as word an excell docs. we used Google drive. Our main channel of communication was through our whatsapp group.

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